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Fender Katsalidis

Fender Katsalidis (FK) is a highly awarded, multi-disciplinary design practice whose work is revered in the industry as pioneers of the built environment. FK’s collaborative approach has resulted in an outstanding reputation for delivering design excellence.

Having evolved from a Melbourne-based studio, the practice has now established its presence in Sydney and Brisbane and a sibling studio in London. Our team of over 130 delivers a range of projects that cover architecture, interior design, masterplanning and urban design disciplines. We collaborate with clients and partners to deliver a shared vision based on enduring, sustainable and innovative design.

Renowned for our leading-edge and exemplary projects in multi-residential, cultural, commercial, aged care and hospitality typologies, these outcomes are distinctive in form and with sound functional planning. Fender Katsalidis produces built-form solutions that are notable for their design quality and placemaking contributions.

Over the past 25 years, we have designed landmark buildings across the Asia-Pacific region, including 32 Smith Street in Sydney, Midtown Centre in Brisbane, Mona in Hobart, Eureka Tower and Australia 108 in Melbourne, and Merdeka 118 in Kuala Lumpur, which will become the second-tallest building in the world upon completion.


Climate Change Action

FK has achieved carbon neutral certification under the NoCO2 Program. To achieve this status and become carbon neutral FK undertook the following process:

  1. Completed a carbon audit to measure their carbon footprint for FY2022. The audit standard follows the standards outlined by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development’s Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (1), in addition to the international standard ISO 14064.1 (2).
  2. Have committed to offset their unavoidable emissions through the purchase of units in approved projects under the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) and Gold Standard, and
  3. Committed to ongoing annual auditing of their emissions.

What does Carbon Neutral Service Certification mean?

By meeting the requirements of the NoCO2 Program, FK is certified as a Carbon Neutral Business by CRI; can be promoted and marketed as such and can display the NoCO2 Logo issued by CRI.  Furthermore, all services provided by FK are carbon neutral certified.  FK is permitted to use the NoCO2 Program Carbon Neutral Service logo issued to it.


What Carbon Credit Projects does FK purchase offsets from?

India Wind Project

Investments in clean energy sources, such as wind, are considered to be essential both in the interest of the environment and for public health reasons. Wind projects partially displace electricity currently generated from grid-connected conventional fossil fuel-based thermal power plants, while reducing emissions. Wind Projects reduce the emission of greenhouse gases and limit local air pollution, curtailing its negative health impacts. In addition to its environmental benefits, the implementation of the project creates job opportunities for local workers, contractors, and suppliers, while the operation and maintenance of the wind park generate long-term.

Carbon Reduction Institute