Established in 1999 with a single small truck, founded by brothers Igor and Zak Cvetkoski, we are 100% Australian owned and operated. We specialise in local, interstate and intrastate road transport. We are wharf to DC and DC to store experts. We provide a wide range of “fit for purpose” fleet configurations including, Vans Rigid Trucks and Prime Movers.
We have 224 Trailers including; Dry and Refrigerated Pan techs, Tautliners and B-Doubles, Skel trailers, Retractable Skel trailers, Side loaders, A-Double Skel Flat tops.
MKD TRANSCORP group head office is located in Sydney with operations also in Melbourne and Brisbane with over 122 support staff and drivers. Our container depot conveniently located in Port Botany with capacity to store in excess of 1,200 TEU.
MKD TRANSCORP are currently transporting circa 38,000 containers annually and have 20 years of proven, safe and on-time service delivery.
Environmental Action:
MKD TRANSCORP is a LowC02 (20%) business certified by the Carbon Reduction Institute (CRI) under the NoCO2 Program. To achieve certification and become a low carbon business, MKD TRANSCORP undertook the following process:
- Commissioned a LowCO2 audit from CRI to measure their operational carbon footprint for the 2019 financial year (FY2019). CRI’s LowCO2 audit follows the standards outlined by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development’s Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (1).
- Committed to an ongoing program of reducing and offsetting 20% of their emissions within the LowCO2 certification standard in approved carbon offsetting programs, and
- Committed to ongoing annual auditing of their emissions.
What does LowCO2 certification mean?
By meeting the requirements of LowCO2 certification under the NoCO2 Program; MKD TRANSCORP can display and use the LowCO2 logo and refer to their certification with CRI. MKD TRANSCORP have measured and offset 20% of their emissions within the LowCO2 certification standard and therefore is a LowCO2 20% business.
Why does MKD TRANSCORP invest in Carbon Credit Projects based in China?
China has witnessed rapidly increasing demand for energy as a by-product of meteoric growth in recent history. This has resulted in a significant increase in the burning of fossil fuels to meet the developing demand for energy. China has traditionally been reliant on the burning of coal to meet its energy needs given its relative abundance and cost advantage. A dependence on coal has contributed to China becoming the world’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases as well as the discharge of dangerous gases and particulate matter that degrade air quality and have generated alarming health concerns. A study published by the World Health Organisation found chronic respiratory illness to be the second leading cause of death in China with the elderly and children being most vulnerable.
The Project:
The China Wind Projects provide renewable, clean energy sources for power generation. They partially displace electricity currently generated from grid connected conventional fossil fuel based thermal power plants, thereby reducing overall emissions. Furthermore, by reducing harmful pollutants in the atmosphere, the projects also provide public health and local environmental benefits.
Certified LowCO2 Business

16 Riverside Road , Chipping Norton NSW 2170