OPD HI-WHITE A4 80GSM COPY PAPER is suitable for double sided copying, for use in low and high-speed copiers, laser printers, inkjet printers and facsimile machines.
FSC certified, Acid free and Carbon Neutral certified.
Available in A5, A4 and A3 in packs of 500 sheets
Carbon Neutral Certification
OPD HI-WHITE A4 80GSM COPY PAPER is certified as carbon neutral by the Carbon Reduction Institute (CRI) under the NoCO2 Program through Jackaroo, and is sold through OPD New Zealand. Jackaroo undertook the following process:
- Jackaroo commissioned a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) audit from CRI to measure the carbon footprint of the product. The emissions assessed include emissions generated from the raw materials, energy used in production, storage and transportation, packaging and end of life disposal. CRI’s LCA methodology follows the standards outlined by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development’s Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (1), as well as the series of international standards for LCAs: ISO 14040 and ISO 14044. CRI’s assessment relied upon site-specific data from the mill, Jackaroo and their operations, as well as published sources of relevant data and emissions factors.
- Jackaroo have committed to offset the unavoidable emissions associated with the paper through the purchase of units in approved projects under the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), and
- Jackaroo have committed to ongoing auditing of their product emissions by reporting to CRI sales of OPD HI-WHITE A4 80GSM COPY PAPER on a quarterly basis.
What does Carbon Neutral Product Certification mean?
By meeting the requirements of the NoCO2 Program, OPD HI-WHITE A4 80GSM COPY PAPER certified as a carbon neutral product by CRI; can be promoted and marketed as such, and can display the Carbon Neutral Product Logo issued by CRI.
What Carbon Credit Project offsets emissions from OPD HI-WHITE A4 80GSM COPY PAPER?
Bulk Wind Variants
Investments in clean energy sources, such as wind, are therefore considered to be essential both in the interest of the environment and for public health reasons. Wind projects partially displace electricity currently generated from grid-connected conventional fossil fuel based thermal power plants, while reducing emissions. Wind Projects reduce the emission of greenhouse gases and limits local air pollution, curtailing its negative health impacts. In addition to its environmental benefits, the implementation of the project creates job opportunities for local workers, contractors and suppliers, while the operation and maintenance of the wind park generates long-term employment positions.
Carbon Neutral Product