
Over the Moo


Over The Moo is Aussie made coconut ice cream that’s just as delicious as the dairy stuff. Our belief is that dietary intolerances shouldn’t mean boring bland desserts. We’re committed to delivering premium ice cream with the same smooth creamy texture as the dairy stuff and literal bucket-loads of flavour. Think crunchy toffee balls and ooey gooey chocolate fudge sauce. And yes, each and every one is gluten free, dairy free, vegan and made from only the most scrumptious ingredients.

With 5 delectable flavours, including one of the World’s First gluten free Cookies ‘n Cream ice cream, you’re in for a treat. You can find out more here –

Our ice cream is proudly manufactured in Australia with our head office located in Sydney. We are also available in over 2,200+ stores nationally including Coles, Woolworths and selected Independents.


Environmental Action:

Over the Moo products are certified as carbon neutral by the Carbon Reduction Institute (CRI) under the NoCO2 Program.  To achieve this status Over the Moo undertook the following process:

  1. Over the Moo commissioned a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) audit from CRI to measure the carbon footprint of their products; including emissions generated from the raw materials, energy used in production, storage and refrigeration, transportation, packaging and end of life disposal. CRI’s LCA methodology follows the standards outlined by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development’s Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (1), as well as the series of international standards for LCAs: ISO 14040 and ISO 14044. CRI’s assessment relied upon site-specific data from Over the Moo and their operations, as well as published sources of relevant data and emissions factors.
  2. Over the Moo have committed to offset the unavoidable emissions associated with their products through the purchase of units in approved projects under the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) or the Gold Standard (GS), and
  3. Over the Moo have committed to ongoing auditing of their product emissions by reporting unit sales to CRI on a quarterly basis.

What does Carbon Neutral Product Certification mean?

By meeting the requirements of the NoCO2 Program, all products sold by Over the Moo are certified as carbon neutral products by CRI and can display the Carbon Neutral Product Logo issued by CRI.

Over the Moo is now a carbon neutral organisation

In addition to completing a full life cycle analysis of its’ products, Over the Moo has elected to now offset all emissions relating to its operations.  To achieve this, Over the Moo is currently undertaking a full carbon audit of its’ emissions that result from its’ activities and has committed to offset these emissions. Therefore Over the Moo is carbon neutral and is a certified NoCO2 business under the NoCO2 Program.

What Carbon Credit Project does Over the Moo purchase units from?

China Wind

The China Wind Project provides a renewable, clean energy source for power generation.  Wind projects partially displace electricity currently generated from grid-connected conventional fossil fuel based thermal power plants, thereby reducing overall emissions.  Furthermore, by reducing harmful pollutants in the atmosphere, the China Wind Project also provides public health and local environmental benefits.  Such projects also provide economic benefits through increased investment in renewable energy and employment opportunities.

Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve

Rimba Raya is the world’s largest initiative to protect and preserve High Conservation Value tropical lowland peat swampforests – one of the most highly endangered ecosystems in the world. The Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve aims to reduce Indonesia’s greenhouse gas emissions and protect the endangered Borneo Orangutan, and other REDD listed species, by preserving 64,977 hectares of tropical peat swampforest.

Forming a critical buffer zone to Tanjung Puting National Park in the Seruyan River watershed, Rimba Raya is rich in biodiversity, including several flagship species such as the endangered Bornean Orangutan, Clouded Leopard, Gibbon, Probiscis Monkey and Asian Sun Bear.

Project revenues have been able to fund rehabilitation programs, environmental education programs, as well as the Orangutan Foundation International. In addition, the project builds upon the work of World Education to improve access to clean water, efficient cookstoves stoves and healthcare.

In 2007, the Project Area was under imminent threat of planned deforestation; the area was gazetted by the provincial government to be converted into four palm oil estates. This area has now officially been re-designated as a Conservation Forest resulting from infinite EARTH’s successful bid to win the approval of Indonesia’s first “Ecosystem Conservation & Restoration” concession license.

The Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve Project is the largest ever REDD project to see its emission reductions verified under the Verified Carbon Standard, reducing greenhouse gas emissions by an average of 4.5million tonnes per year and having already verified over 15 million tonnes to date. The project is scheduled to reduce more than 130 million tonnes of greenhouse gases over the 30-year project life.

To find out more about Over the Moo, go to the following link:


Certification Number/s: NC368, CN368
Start Date: 24 November 2018

Certified NoCO2 Business
Carbon Neutral Product



Make your business carbon neutral with the Carbon Reduction Institute. Find out the benefits and process to make your business carbon neutral.